Amarjit is a Solicitor and an accredited Arbitrator in England & Wales, and an Advocate & Solicitor in Singapore. His areas of expertise are commercial litigation, arbitration and public international law. Originally from Singapore, Amarjit previously practiced commercial litigation and arbitration at a prominent Singapore law firm. He has deep knowledge and connections in Southeast Asia across various key sectors, including infrastructure, mining, oil and gas, and shipping.
Commercial Litigation
Amarjit has expertise in commercial and civil litigation in both England and Singapore. His litigation practice includes banking, insurance, construction, contract, partnership and shareholder disputes.
He has represented clients, both in England and from Singapore and Southeast Asia, in complex and high-value domestic as well as multi-jurisdictional disputes.
Amarjit’s clients have included both private individuals and companies of various sizes, operating in a range of sectors including, aviation, health services, insurance/reinsurance, manufacturing, industrial technology, and construction.
International Arbitration
Amarjit is a qualified Arbitrator in England and is well versed with arbitration under major arbitral rules such as ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, LCIA and SIAC.
Providing efficient and highly effective representation in both domestic and international arbitrations, Amarjit has advised clients in relation to the conduct of arbitration in various Asian states and the enforcement of arbitral awards in such jurisdictions.
His expertise relates to both commercial and investment arbitration, and across various sectors, including energy, mining and infrastructure development.
Public International Law
Amarjit has a doctorate in international law and his expertise covers treaty law, state responsibility, human rights, investor protection standards, and the international law on environmental and social safeguards.
Amarjit has provided advice on international investment agreements and foreign investment laws, as well as national legislation and regulations concerning foreign investment, specifically:
- Admission/establishment and performance requirements
- Investor protection standards
- State immunity, and
- Dispute resolution clauses
Amarjit has also provided advice on law of the sea issues and the international legal aspects of natural resource development, including maritime boundary disputes, joint development area and unitisation agreements.